My Afternoons with Margueritte (two Ts) is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a long time and arguably the best French movie I’ve ever seen. I don’t say this lightly, as I’ve watched numerous French films. It’s different than most of the ones I’ve seen, but it is a feel-good movie that I wasn’t expecting at all. The film stars Gérard Depardieu and Gisèle Casadesus, who play 100% believable small-town French folks who stumble upon a passion they both share.
Film Review – 13 Assassins
When I heard Takashi Miike’s film 13 Assassins would be shown at the Minneapolis St. Paul International Film Festival, I knew I had to go. I didn’t even care what genre of film it was. Normally, Miike is known for his mind-melting horror films, but I had heard this was a little more traditional. I just appreciate Miike’s warped view on putting amazingly beautiful scenes together with horrific content that really pushes the envelope of most white-bread people. With the added excitement of someone passing out in the theater, forcing the venue to stop the film so the paramedics could come, this movie was pretty much what I expected. Good samurai vs. bad samurai and lots of swords. But, extremely well done.
What Makes a Brazilian Movie?
In the gone 1960s and 1970s—hard and military times for any country located in South America—Glauber Rocha was a man with radical ideas, to the point of bothering both the right and left wing. He became the mentor of a group of young artists and thinkers by taking his cameras out of uptight and romantic studio productions and pointing them to the minds, hearts, bodies and guts of regular people and their daily lives, creating a movement called Cinema Novo (New Cinema).